Frequently asked questions
We've done our best to gather information on the most commonly asked questions.
However if you have a question, feel free to drop us an email!
Why is the packaging different?

We've changed our packaging so it can withstand High Pressure Processing (HPP). HPP is an alternative to thermal pasteurization that's not as harsh on the enzymes & nutrients. It keeps your juice safe while still preserving the nutritional benefits.
We are aware it is a bit of an ajdustment, and we are working on improving it so that you'll find it more convenient and easier to use in the future.
How is wheatgrass gluten free?

We're constantly asked how our wheatgrass can be gluten free. Gluten does, after all, come from wheat. What most people don't know is that gluten does not develop until the seed stage of growth. We harvest our wheatgrass until we detect gluten developing - at which point, we cease production. We test our production daily to ensure that our product is completely gluten free.
Indoor vs. outdoor grown wheatgrass?

Many don’t realize that there are two very different types of wheatgrass. Many are familiar with the sprouted grass they see in juice bars that is grown indoors under artificial lights on a tray in about 7 - 10 days. Indoor grass has a high level of simple sugars which explains the syrupy taste and quick burst of energy that users sometimes experience right after drinking the juice. There can be a nasty bitter after taste and many have instantaneous headaches and nausea within seconds and are told that they are “detoxifying” or having a “healing crisis.”
Why does your wheatgrass taste so different?

Evergreen’s grass is grown outdoors in the soil and sunshine. Matured and sweetened by having a deeper root structure, the grass matures past being a sprout into a deep green leafy vegetable. The simple sugars of the sprout develop into complex carbohydrates giving it a smooth taste that many compare to green tea or watermelon rind.
Is organically grown food considered healthier than conventionally grown food?

The word “organic” refers to the way farmers grow and process agricultural products. A big difference is in soil fertility. Organic farms rotate their crops which add to the nutritious value of the food you are eating to ensure you get more vitamins and minerals in the same volume of food.
Organic farming practices are designed to encourage soil and water conservation and reduce pollution. We don’t use conventional methods to fertilize, or control weeds. For example, rather than using chemical weed killers, we rotate our crops, till between the rows, and use the old fashion method of hoeing in the fields. If you see a field with no weeds, most likely there has been use of some sort of weed kill. If you look closely at our pictures, you will see a few weeds among our grass.
Avoiding pesticides and chemicals is another good reason to eat organic foods as pesticides can be absorbed into the food, and leave trace residues. When you eat a plant sprayed with chemicals, you may also be eating those chemical residues.
Evergreen is Organic, meaning we have met the standards and regulations required to call our product "Organic".
Why is being "Organic" so important and how is that status maintained?
“Organic” means that a product has been audited by an accredited body and complies with all relevant certified organic standards. Being “Organic” means you can be confident about our juice. Evergreen WheatGrass Juice is certified organic with Pro-Cert Organic, which is recognized by the USDA. Evergreen also adheres to the organic standard that prohibits GMOs of any kind. Many companies claim to be organic, but unless they are certified and have proof to back it up, there is really no way to be certain.
To maintain “Organic” status, every link in the chain, from the farms to the finished product must comply with, and is inspected to see that the standards are reached.
Is Evergreen considered Kosher?
Evergreen is Kosher and is under the supervision and pareve of Michigan Kosher Supervisors.
23610 Gardner
Oak Park, MI
48237 USA
Does freezing kill the enzymes?
Much of our grass is planted in the fall, and will grow a few inches before winter blankets it with snow. If freezing killed enzymes (the life force) then our grass wouldn’t continue to grow in the spring after thawing.
Freezing extends the life because it slows down the oxygenation which degenerates and immobilizes the life force, that is released upon thawing. Many frozen vegetables are blanched before freezing to kill the enzymes and add shelf life. Evergreen does not do that.
Evergreen uses a blast freezer to quickly freeze the product. Analysis after freezing shows that all nutrients are preserved, especially the chlorophyll.
How much can I take?
The average person can take 2-4 cubes daily. People in health crisis can take up to a box a day. We do recommend taking it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
Do you make a WheatGrass powder?
Because dehydrating has a such a big impact on the taste and quality of Wheatgrass juice we are comitted to preserving our juice the best way we know how.
There are two companies called Pines and Amazing Grass who produce out-door grown wheatgrass powder. If you are travelling and cannot take our wheatgrass with you these are good options.
Can I take wheatgrass juice when I am allergic to wheat?
Wheat matures from a grain to a sprout, to a vegetable and then back to a grain that we use in bread and baked goods. Since we catch it in the third stage, it doesn’t contain gluten (a protein found in the grains of wheat, barley and rye). At this stage it is a vegetable - not a grain: it does not contain gluten. This means it is a safe food, even for those with wheat allergies. At this time, when it looks like common grass, it is harvested, juiced and frozen.
Is the packaging BPA free?
Yes. It is entirely free of Bisphenol-A, and we encourage you to recycle your used packaging!